Got Qs??

We have As!

You're not the only one with that Q. If you're looking to implement The Klein Method or to generally just study smart, you can bet someone has had the same Qs you're having. They have been asked and answered, and can be found in this collection of recorded Q&A sessions.

Listening to these Q&As in the background of your daily life is an ideal way to utilize time that you cannot study, such as during commutes, workouts, getting ready in the morning, cooking, etc.

Each video comes with a corresponding list of the exact Qs that were asked and answered so that you can go straight to the stuff that directly applies to you and skip everything else.

What Qs Come Up?

Below you will find a sampling of Qs that were asked during each session. The recording for each of these sessions is included in this course purchase.

January 20, 2023

Here's some of the Qs that were asked & answered during this session:

  • My calendar says I have 30 days left, but I am just starting because of an emergency. How do I complete 80 lessons in 30 days? What do you recommend?

  • For MBE, do you have any tips and tricks on how to efficiently and accurately read fact patterns and how to eliminate answer choices? I feel like I sometimes miss small details that hinge on the correct answer. 

  • I am almost done with Stage 3 and I am still having difficulty with the essays. There are still instances where I am ready to do an essay and I’ll read it and completely freeze with not knowing some of the issues or the rules. Is this normal at this stage? I feel like at this point nothing should make me freeze up and panic. Any tips or suggestions?

January 11, 2023

Here's some of the Qs that were asked & answered during this session:

  • Any thoughts on making arguments without facts?

  • Have you seen a study method that works best for learning to structure essays the way graders are expecting to see in terms of getting the right issues and the right weight on each issue spotted? Copying model answers is already working well but just wondering if you have any other tips or tricks.

  • I feel really exhausted because I am a repeater taker and I really want this time to be THE time, so I’m trying to keep my head in the game.

January 6, 2023

Here's some of the Qs that were asked & answered during this session:

  • I did about 1,000 questions between Nov. 22 and Dec. 22. My score went down from 62% to 61%. Any thoughts on this (of course I'm concerned)? I just want to make sure I am being effective.

  • I’m a bit behind on my studies, unfortunately, and I am struggling to catch up. Repeat taker, working full time, and trying to do the full time schedule as well.. any tips? Sometimes, I feel as though I’m rushing through the blocks, to get them done.

  • I noticed when comparing my essay with the model answer, I tend to making extraneous points, that in the moment seem relevant, but when I review my answer against the model answer, my answer has issues not on model. Please also comment on using a checklist (once I started your program I stopped trying to memorize an essay checklist, but I was still having this same issue).

December 28, 2022

Here's SOME of the Qs that were asked & answered during this session:

  • It seems like it takes much longer than 30 minutes to copy the essay CRAC, and it is really messing up my timing on staying on track. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I type about 50 wpm.

  • How realistic are the sample answers provided by the NCBE that your program has us copy? They seem very long and detailed. They are helpful but I’m trying to narrow down and prioritize the law in the sample answers.

  • Are there unique aspects to the February exam that frequently show-up for February takers need to be tuned into?

  • I’m in stage 2 and feeling defeated. I am having a hard time remembering the law but can do a pretty good analysis. Any tips to help with retaining knowledge and feeling more confident?

  • What are your thoughts on essay predictors? I know there is a lot of speculation out there on whether they are helpful or detrimental.

  • I notice that some sample answers commit to the IRAC structure and others do more “weaving.” Is one better than the other?

  • Is there any truth to the February California bar exam being “harder” to pass than July?

  • Is there a certain length of essay we should aim for? Aside for correctness, do graders like longer essays?

December 9, 2022

Here's SOME of the Qs that were asked & answered during this session:

  • Whenever I write the essays in Stage 1, I feel like I don’t remember anything. Does it mean that I need to memorize the rules as I write?

  • I have noticed a substantial amount of quotations/block quotes in the model answers, as well was statutory citations. Are these model CRAC answers written by examinees? Are the quotations a necessary component of our answers? Is citing relevant legal authority by name required, or can we just cite the rule? Ensuring these are formatted correctly is time consuming.

  • How are essays graded? For example, if a rule is incorrectly stated but the application of the rule is well done, is there any credit?

  • Is it normal during Stage 1 work not to fully comprehend what is being copied while copying the work? I find that I get better the more days go by, but certainly don’t feel like I absorb as much when I copy as when I read.

  • Do you have any recommendations for someone who struggles with testing anxiety and severe ADHD. I’ve taken Barbri and Themis before and gotten passing scores in the allocated time, but on exam day I always end up running out of time and barely write anything for 1-2 of the 6 MEEs.

  • Why do you prefer UWorld over Adaptibar?


Things to know before you buy:

  • How long do I have access?

    365 days

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Yes. You have 48 hours from purchase to request a refund. Just email [email protected]

  • Will more recordings get added?

    Yes. After every LIVE Q&A session the recording is added.

  • Do I get to submit Qs to be answered?

    No. If you have Qs and would like to attend a LIVE Q&A session so you can ask them, please check to see what upcoming sessions you can register for by going to the Counsel Table homepage.

  • Does this give me the ability to attend LIVE?

    No. If you have Qs and would like to attend a LIVE Q&A session so you can ask them, please check to see what upcoming sessions you can register for by going to the Counsel Table homepage.